Battlefield 2142: A Historical Analysis and Retrospective Review
Gravity, a Battlefield Veteran since Battlefield 1942 in 2002, attempts to provide a full history and review of Battlefield 2142.
0:00 - Intro.
0:59 - Game Origin and General Overview
04:18 - Game features and Menu options.
06:50 - Game Modes - Titan Assault.
09:25 - Maps.
11:32 - Classes and equipment.
15:59 - Equipment UI System and Gadgets.
20:22 - Sprint Mechanic, Commander, and Movement Issues.
25:32 - Weapons and Weapon Issues.
29:19 - Vehicles of 2142.
36:19 - Music of 2142.
37:10 - 2142 Expansion pack
38:01 - Gamespy Network Shutdown and Revive Attempts.
39:51 - Legacy and Battlefield References.
43:14 - Conclusion and Final Score.
To Play Battlefield 2142 Today, a physical copy of the game is REQUIRED.
- You will need to find a copy which includes a valid CD key. Some can be found on ebay and amazon.
- If you have a copy of the game, you will also need to download and install 2142 hub, the system providing a new server backbone.
- The easiest way to install and play the game is to follow the instructions on the BF2142 Reclamation Project Website.
This can be found here:
For more, visit Gravity's twitchTV channel at and @gravityxiii on twitter!